Hello again! Last time we installed R-Studio. Now we will look at some useful commands and syntax. You can use R directly from the terminal or from R-Studio. To use R from the terminal type “sudo R” at the terminal prompt. R loads in interactive mode. You will be presented by the prompt >. Each … Continue reading Introduction to R
Installing R on Ubuntu
Hello! R is getting traction with computer scientists and statisticians, and Clounce decided to ride on this adventure. By no means, the R blog roll is intended to be an exhaustive survey of how R works and all its function. But the purpose of this blog roll about R is intended to get you started … Continue reading Installing R on Ubuntu
Nuget Sitecore Habitat
Sitecore Habitat is an open source library that provides over 50 modules for Sitecore that can be used within any project. This article outlines one way of building Sitecore Habitat project into Nuget Packages using TeamCity. Note: It is assumed that: You already have configured TeamCity Server and at least one TeamCity Build Agent. You … Continue reading Nuget Sitecore Habitat
Nuget Package Create through Powershell
Nuget packages are a popular way to distribute .NET libraries both internally and externally. Creating a nuget package from a project source is easy. In the command window, navigate to the project directory nuget spec nuget pack <Project>.csproj or Nuget pack <Project>.vbproj That is quite straightforward and easy to script. However this process has two … Continue reading Nuget Package Create through Powershell
Creating shell script for Magento2
Shell scripts are a good way to quickly run maintenance commands in Magento. In Magento2 shell scripts are executed through the command php bin/magento <command name> <command parameters> Background The Magento CLI is defined in class Magento\Framework\Console\Cli which is a Symphony Application. The application starts running from the run command defined in Symphony application that … Continue reading Creating shell script for Magento2