Microsoft Windows operating systems are made up of different subsystems. One of these subsystems handles and controls the file system. Any operation performed by the user that involves files is supervised and controlled by this subsystem. One of the many functions of the Windows File Subsystem is to notify third-party applications of any file activity … Continue reading Introduction to File System Monitoring

Handling secure connections The previous two articles of this mini-series showed how to perform a GET and a POST request on normal HTTP URLs. The last step to have a complete HTTP communication client is to handle HTTPS connections which require certificate verification. This article describes how SSL communication can be handled. The first steps … Continue reading HTTP Communication with C# – (Part III)

Making a GET Request The availability and reduced costs in Internet connections opened horizons for more use. Many of today’s software leverage its use to get last minute information from remote servers. Many applications automatically check if a new version is available. Others download latest news about the product or the company which produces the … Continue reading HTTP Communication with C# – (Part I)