Recently Clounce was browsing some C# code and noticed that sometimes junior developers use throw exception rather than simply throw in try..catch clauses. Let’s see an example and then examine the results. Consider this piece of code: Of particular importance is the catch block in Method1() at line 22. In this block, the developer is … Continue reading C# throw vs throw exception
Author: Joseph D'Emanuele
Rotating Table in MS Word
Unfortunately, there is no option to rotate a table in MS Word. However, it is still easy to accomplish by following the simple steps below. 1) Insert a Text Box where you want to add your table. 2) Then insert a Table in the Text Box you created in (1). 3) Click on the Text … Continue reading Rotating Table in MS Word
Introduction to Wolfram Mathematica
Mathematica is a computational, mathematics, tool. It is shipped free with Raspberry Pi. In this blog entry, we will look at some basic functions to get you started quick on the subject. To fire up Mathematica on Raspberry Pi, either click on the Mathematica icon or on the Wolfram icon for command line interface (see … Continue reading Introduction to Wolfram Mathematica
Fun with MNIST dataset
Recently Clounce was carrying out some experiments with MNIST dataset and he wanted to glimpse at how the digits in this dataset looks like. So he thought of displaying them using ASCII art in a console window. What is the MNIST dataset? MNIST ( is a subset of NIST (, a database for handwritten digits. … Continue reading Fun with MNIST dataset
Introduction to C with Arduino
Hello! In this blog post, we will take a look at some basic C using Arduino. The code is available at The purpose of this post is not to show you how to use Arduino, but to help you get started with C. Clounce is working on some exiting Arduino projects, which he will share … Continue reading Introduction to C with Arduino